Monday, August 17, 2009

cooking with one left hand

So I have not been blogging lately for a few reasons: been busy with work and traveling and I broke my right wrist! As a righty that means a complete road block in my daily life! I have so many wonderful eating and food experiences I want to share and hopefully in a few weeks I will be more capable to do so. For now eating is a lot harder with my left hand but not impossible. I have made 2 omletes for my boyfriend and I continue to try and do as much as I can for myself (with a cast past my elbow its not much). This has really forced me to slow down even more and appreciate life and everything we take for granted. I know have to rely on my friends and family more and that can be a blessing and a curse! Independence is a very wonderful thing, but it is also very great to know that at the end of the hard days you have a few people that will always be there to help you out, even if its to open the peanut butter jar!