Tuesday, October 20, 2009

back in action

OK I know its been a long time since my last post. The wrist is almost 100% healed so I am very thankful for that. I can tell you that over the last few months of trying to be an active person running my business and juggling all that life throws your way (all with a broken wrist) had a huge effect on my eating patterns! I just came back from 3 weeks overseas on tour with my bf (he is a singer) and it was so hard to stay on the healthy path. But I did manage to make it to the various gyms and or fitness rooms in the hotels a total of 4 times! That made me feel like I was getting back to some type of routine. It was hard to resist a biscuit with my afternoon cups of tea and dessert after dinner (esp sticky toffee pudding). But thankfully there was a Wholefoods market when we stayed in London so a few days out of the 3 weeks I was able to make very healthy choices of mixed salads and fresh fruit, yogurt and granola. Needless to say life on the road is thrilling, draining and hard work. Making smarter eating choices and working out definitely made it a lot easier to handle. Now that I am back in the states and no longer in a cast, its back to the farmers market and yoga classes. I have never been so excited! Happy eating and remember to make the healthiest choices you can, that way no matter what life throws your way you will be that much more prepared to handle it!

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